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Is Beauty Really only Skin Deep?

We like to think not.

But the contents of our makeup bag may tell a different story. Our trusted friend (and sometimes foe) – and the limb that most of us simply could not consider being detached from..

How many of us have misplaced the bag with all it’s eye-enhancing, lip plumping contents and spiralled into a feeling of terror and despair?

At Wasted, we feel that it is time for us to really look at our addiction (No? Just me?) to these beauty products and honestly ask oursleves how much of it we really need. Or actually even want (now that we realise that it will NOT reverse the signs of aging or give us 40% bigger lips :)).

For most of us, it has become a habit, a way of making ourselves feel better. But, most of the time, the ‘high’ we get is fleeting and we are now stuck with yet another beauty product that won’t get used. We are asking you to try to consider the waste and try to think about the packaging that will be destined for landfill. We should at least try to use up a product entirely before going out to buy a new one. It will be easier on our pockets too.

We are here to encourage you you to try to stop buying stuff you absolutely don’t need and bring you some ideas that will help you along the way. 

We love to hear about new sustainable and responsible beauty products, so please email us here at  beauty@wasted.ie
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