Can I get my family involved?

How can i get my family involved?
There are lots of ways that you can work as a family to lessen your impact on Waste. are suggesting a few small changes when you take your weekly visit to the supermarket, for example…
- The obvious one before you set out – if you have plastic bags already at home, bring them. Better still, always leave them in the boot of the car after each trip so that you never forget them. Even better, try to have a few sturdy organic cloth or wicker bags. Ones that you can use over and over.
- Write a list before you go. I know, it sounds old fashioned, but it serves so many purposes. You will only make a list of the things you need and will avoid buying another bag of potatoes, when you have 2 already unopened. The list will keep you on track, save you time, save you money and save the waste that will inevitably occur when you buy too much of what you can use
- Try to look at items that have minimal packaging. There is so much excesive packaging on foodstuff these days and most of it will go straight into the bin when you get home.
- Look for biodegradable or recycled packaging where you can
- Try to buy glass jars rather than plastic ones – there is a likelihood that you will re-use the glass jars again (hopefully)
- Buy in bulk if you can. This is one way of cutting back on the same package being bought every week for eg: Cereal boxes
- Consider going to a farmer’s market for your fruit & veg or have a box of organic veg delivered. Apart from the fact that the fruit and veg is likely to come in a carboard box (that can be re-used week to week), you are also buying a better quality, more organic product that you know its origin and can be (fairly) sure that there are minimal pesticides on your dinner.
And there are other ways…
This deserves a section all to itself really. If you are not already doing this (or haven’t been forced to by your local government / waste company), would really like you to start this now. Apart from it being the right thing to do, it sets a good example for your kids
Where you can rather than buy new products for what may be a one time use. Bikes, tents and sporting equipment are some items that someone you know has already bought and is probably lying in a garage somewhere. Save yourself some cash and cut back on clutter and waste.
Did you know that the Team at have created a dedicated ‘Upcycling‘ area on our site (click here) where you can list any items you have no longer any use for and are willing to pass them on free of charge (where possible) for a new life somewhere else.
Watch the movie Wall-E with your family.