Welcome to Wasted’s sanctuary for the modern day man!

Naturally of course – Women and ladies are also invited into this space, just as long as they are willing to put up with the men in this space!

This is a place where we will talk about music, fancy gizmos, the best Hi-Fi, great cars, good (and bad) DIY, ridiculous haircuts, the best brunches around  – and the finest cocktails known to mankind.

We will talk a lot about these things. But we will also use this space to talk about you. Because, when was the last time you did?

In a new world order where we seem to have more time than ever before and more confusion about what to spend it on, we are here to offer a little alternative space for the mind and a little freedom for the soul.

Free free to drop in anytime you need a little time for you.

Always here. Always on.

Let’s talk.




So – who is Greg G?

Greg Gaughran is a well known voice on Irish radio, having presented primetime shows on some of the biggest radio stations in the country. His involvement in Irish and UK media for almost 40 years means that there is very little about the radio industry that he doesn’t know. Or hasn’t heard.  🙂 But radio runs through his veins and these days he presents ‘Evenings with Greg Gaughran’ Monday to Thursday on Radio Nova, where he also presents the ‘Saturday Soundtrack’ each week. We are not sure where he gets the time, but Greg also produces and presents Toys for Boys on Saturday mornings on Nova and manages the music schedule for the station too.

Is it all about radio?

Greg was always very clear that his future was behind a microphone, much to the amusement of his career guidance teacher at school! But, having caught his first break in the industry at age 16, he knew that this was his rightful place. Greg does, however, spend some time outside of the studio. He has a large passion for sport and cars (and by extension, Motor Sports!) and a frightening knowledge of music of all genres. He is a long time collector of good vinyl, great hifi systems and people who don’t talk nonsense.

Where can you find him at the weekend?

Usually somewhere in Dublin 2 where he lives. In a decent brunch place where men sporting red jeans and hipster beards are not permitted and casual use of the word ‘dude’ is severely frowned upon. He can be found listening to new music, drinking decent coffee or having a nice long lunch somewhere in town. If you’re very lucky, he’s at a pub quiz – on your team.

Greg’s inspiration:

Great broadcasters (Roger Scott) great musicians (Steely Dan and The Boss) and Airton Senna. Right now, he is also a big fan of Andrew Cuomo, present Governor of New York. He comes from a time and place where men didn’t talk about their feelings, unless it was how they felt about their football team. But he also knows that this is something that is changing and is even happy to encourage it.